Security, Reverse Engineering, Cloud and Code

Hunting in EVTX Event Logs

July 19, 2022

So, you’ve come across an EVTX (.evtx) log file which you need to analyze or get some useful information from… I know the feeling!


Event Viewer
You can use the Event Viewer, the GUI program built into Windows which is great but if you have a ton of events…well it can be painful

Here is our fiend PowerShell to help us in this journey!
Using Get-WinEvent FTW!

DeepBlueCLI a PowerShell Module for Threat Hunting via Windows Event Logs provided kindly to use by @eric_conrad and the great folks at SANS. This program is able to crunch to .evtx files to look for goodies.

The Story…

I was trying to look at some evtx files and extract some useful goodies out of it…
While I could use Event Viewer, it is unfortunately not the quickest way to skim through these logs to find things that I might be interested in, and speed was of the essence. So, what did I do? What every good hacker does of course, reach out to his search engine friends 🙂

I looked around to see what could be useful/speedy quick to get to the hacking! I found this useful article from SANS DeepBlueCLI: Powershell Threat Hunting by Russ McRee(@holisticinfosec) which in turn led me to DeepBlueCLI. But unfortunately for me, it didn’t quite work out, because of the events that I was looking at. However, for most of the Threat Hunters, Blue Team, Defenders, and DFIR side, this DeepBlueCLI might be really useful and do recommend for you to check it out.

So, what was my next step? Use Get-WinEvent in PowerShell. So, I created a quick and dirty script (if you can call it that) to look for some goodies. It is a good starter for your hacking needs and should be fairly easy to modify for getting at the information you are wanting to get!

Get the script…

Snag it from my BST GitHub Repo:, the script is in /Windows/Search_EVTX_LogEvents.ps1

Running the script

.\Search_EVTX_LogEvents.ps1 -TargetEvtxFile <\path\to\YourEvents.evtx>

  • I am an Offensive Security Engineer doing security shenanigans and playing in the cloud
