Security, Reverse Engineering, Cloud and Code

Adding SSH public keys for remote connections – #QuickTip


Let’s say you want to connect to your remote Linux server/machine. You can use your current ssh keys to do this, this allows you to connect more securely and without a password (assuming your keys have not been already compromised =)). Although you can also use a combination of both, an ssh key and a password/passphrase, I won’t be covering that scenario right now.

To be able to connect using your keys:
– Create a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (if it doesn’t exist already)
– Simply add your public key to this “~/.ssh/authorized_keys”
– – For this step you can do it a few different ways, but one of the easiest is to use your favorite editor i.e. vim, nano, gedit, etc…

What if you want to remote in from multiple machines? I am glad you asked! You follow the same procedure as above just add the key below the already existing ones, or you can use the following command to append:
echo “ssh-rsa ABCDE…YOUR PUBLIC KEY” >> ~/.ssh/authorized

Now you can remote in from multiple machines easily =)

  • I am an Offensive Security Engineer doing security shenanigans and playing in the cloud
